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i could go on for 40 days and 40 nights about my blog title and bore you to bits and pieces with 10,000 different ideas i actually had for the name of this blog but because of the 500 characters limit that is imposed upon this mechanism which, by the way, is supposed to promote free speech, i shall shorten it to just two words basically describing what the hell this is all about and who this hell belongs to. |
Monday, June 18, 2007
project 355: why i cover my ass in the hospital
![]() just as hidden as a set of six-pacs beneath a hunky doctor's scrubs, within the hospital lies an invisible conflict. you could call it a battle of the sexes, or if you would like a Battle Royale of sorts. you might think of it as a struggle for power, or if you're not the literary, metaphoric, 'I-Can-Understand-Shakespeare's-Sonnets' type, i will just simplify it for you and call it a battle. either way, there's is an existence of a pointless struggle between the two most domineering parties in the hospital, namely - the Doctors & the Nurses. having worked in the hospital for quite a while and seen the clashes on a daily basis, i can't help but relate the whole experience to ninja skirmishes carried out in the dark of the Japanese woods. shurikens are released and poison darts let fly, yet none of the patients or the relatives can comprehend or even see what is really going on beneath their stay in the hospital. it's only those with 'The Eyes' who get the big picture. those who have worked in health-care for an amount of time, those who patronize the hospitals on a regular basis, those from the Allied Health-Care team (eg. radiologists, physiotherapists, medical products sales rep, etc) - they are the ones with 'The Eyes'. the two teams obviously have their capabilities. team Doctor is filled with people of intellect. people who have studied for so long, immersing themselves in books and one would assume, cadavers. the catch is that the hospital is not filled with cadavers, but rather real, breathing patients who expect a certain amount of bedside manners from them. most of the players in team Doctor are lacking in this aspect. however, this is where the nurses excel. they really do care, they really do give a shit about the patients and their relatives most of the time. but equally so, emotional quotient alone never got anyone anywhere in the first place. truth be told, a majority of the nurses in Singapore lack the intelligence aspect where the doctors are adept at. evidentially, the writer of this post can save a life with great style and etiquette. the catch is that he doesn't know exactly HOW to save a life (insert that song reminiscence of Gray's Anatomy). this situation would be perfect if the doctors and nurses worked together trying to solve problems and deliver the solutions with great empathy and intellect for the patients. and most of the time they do. however, when it comes to crunch time and the saving of one's own ass, this concept of covering up for each other's incapabilities is practically non-existent. case in question? about a month ago, a doctor who took morning bloods for two patients with similar names got the names mixed up. patient A's bloods were dispatched with patient's B's blood forms and vice-versa. fortunately, patient A previously had bloods taken before in a group and cross match and her blood was identified to be O+. patient B's bloods that were dispatched under patient A's name were identified to be A+. a huge ruckus was kicked up and an investigation was launched. the official story that came from team doctors was that the nurse didn't assist in the taking of bloods which resulted in the doctor labeling the bloods taken with the wrong patient's identifications. it was a great twist of words and it seems that team Doctors won in the end. the protocol in the organization would be that the nurses attempt blood-taking on a particular patient twice before requesting the doctor's assistance. also, when the doctors doing their bit of phlebotomy, the nurses (on top of taking care of an average of ten patients and all their shit) are OBLIGED to assist them. but as you know, protocol goes to the dumps when it transits into reality. the routine at the workplace is that none of the nurses are usually free to assist the doctors in blood-taking. in fact, the doctors having understood this concept just help themselves to the equipment they need and take the bloods themselves. all we have to do is dispatch the bloods to the labs for testing. perhaps in the case mentioned above, the nurses were the ones who did the labeling and they were the ones who got it wrong. from the hospital's well-connected gossip mill however, it seems that the doctor was the one at fault here, having handed the wrong bloods over to the nurses. but it's perhaps a biased point of view given that most of the staff in the hospital's gossip mill interact more with the nurses than the doctors, thus forming a natural kinship with the former. post-investigation and covering up everyone's asses, a study has been launched to reduce the number of blood-taking errors in the ward setting. for the entirety of this month, the nurses have to chart down the attempts they have taken bloods and inserted intravenous plugs. the also have to chart down the number of times the doctors have done so and the reasons why the doctors were the ones doing it instead of the nurses. not helping is the really bad layout of the charting which is so minuscule that you would need the dispatch the entire survey to the labs and their microscopes just to get the results. like i said before, when it comes to crunch time everybody uses both hands to cover their asses. unless you've got really big palms or an extra appendage, no sane person who values his career would spare you a hand to cover yours. the only people who would prolly do this would be the gay men. or at least me. i would spare my non-dominant hand to cover a hot ass anytime. jokes aside, this 'cover your own ass only' mentality is the reason why i'm perhaps so particular about writing every single detail of what i have done for the patients in my reports. it also helps that i'm adept in all things literary. certain words can be used to mean 'A', but for the sake of my own safety, can be turned around to mean 'ABCDE' complete with a very thick smokescreen. the only catch is that it's extremely time-consuming to write elaborate reports. i always end up having to stay back twenty to thirty minutes after shift hours to finish up the bits and pieces that i have not completed. but at least i get my ass-covered and people get to enjoy my excellent penmanship (i have very messily neat hand-writing). so my advice to all the nurses-to-be out there, attempt report-writing as if your life depended on it. but your career and perhaps your life even, really does depend on it. and my advice to all the doctors-to-be out there? well, my non-dominant hand is rather free if you need some ass action. 24 Comments:
From another male nurse, you are right on the money. I too write down everything I do and have since becoming a nurse 16 years ago. Some things do not change over time. Enjoy your blog. Office potitics' everywhere... i am so curious!. which ward u r from~! It's always about covering your own ass, keeping evidence of what you've done or have not done in case ppl try to find fault. Such is the world we live in. Hahaha two things common in an office/organisation: C'est la vie, Jon! =) la'encier: definitely the 'potitics' are everywhere. hur hur. well, as people say: As the case in every hospital, accusations fly in the form of shurikens and poison darts whens something goes wrong. And everyone has to write an explanation letter. jon, there're always conflict in every job. Tai Zhi at the workplace. Feel Qi flow... i'll cover your ass and you cover mine! how about that? :p to veeen:well im a senior from your school. This comment has been removed by the author. And anyway Jon, been wondering how you achieve that nice tan of yours. Been tanning all these while and seems like theres no much result. is the butt in fridae yours too??? How drama! This could be so Grey's Anatomy. :P WRITING REPORTS!!! Urrrgghhhh...still remember those hospital dayz! Can't get a single nurse to do anything when they are writing or passing report! I was once called for resuss but there was only one really junior foreign nurse attending to the dying patient cos the rest of the honcho nursing team were "passing report"! Same things never change, I guess! Wahahahaha... Even though the mere mention of the term, "Nursing Care Plan," makes my colleagues and I cringe, it really does help when it comes to "CYA" (Cover Your Ass). When I was in secondary school, my 1 blue pen could use up to a year. Now in Nursing, my pen could be used up in Just two weeks. We did more documentations and paperwork then we could do bedside patient nursing care. but but but... bone_collector: i've never thought of it as that way. but yeah... it does make sense. good thing is that we're training a lot more nurses these days. hopefully the situation eases up in the near future. i would vote for you btw if you ever ran for minister. Unfortunately for doctors, nurses are a pain till proven otherwise...something to do with being deluged with oftentimes silly questions and requests. However for competent & efficient nurses, you'l realise that doctors will bend over backwards to accomodate them. Ahahahahaha <--Home |
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