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i could go on for 40 days and 40 nights about my blog title and bore you to bits and pieces with 10,000 different ideas i actually had for the name of this blog but because of the 500 characters limit that is imposed upon this mechanism which, by the way, is supposed to promote free speech, i shall shorten it to just two words basically describing what the hell this is all about and who this hell belongs to. |
Thursday, June 14, 2007
project 355: snatching the golf club from tigerwoods
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 'Make sure you don't give it away or i'll die!' he warned me. And then with an ominous look on his face, he gave the last words he ever said to me, 'Le Mai Shiong Kong Zeng Hu Mm Zai, Zeng Hu kua eh tio eh hor!' very wise ones indeed. i went home that day pondering about what the mad man said (albeit translated) 'Don't think the government doesn't know, they can see hor!!' i never saw him again as that was the last day of my posting. but i will always remember the look on his face. it was pure George Orwell and 1984. but really, how many times have you seen the insane or the eccentric in the public with all their weird little habits? i've seen the streakers. i've seen the paranoid. i've seen the depressed. i've seen the ones with the tics. i've seen the truly mad. most of the time, their actions are interpreted as a bloody katana slicing through the peace of the public. they ruffles a few feathers and perhaps piss off a few of the sane people in this world. but to tell the truth, it's very seldom that they actually mean anyone harm or have ill-intentions at all. in fact, i can think of more sane people who are really fucked up compared to the insane. i guess that if we treat the mad with respect or at least leave them alone, they will generally leave us alone too. unfortunately, not everyone sees it from that viewpoint. well at least not the psychiatric doctors which came a-visiting today. they were called in for a referral for one of my patients who has a history of mental problems. he was forty-two but looked about thirty. he spoke decent English and was actually quite a gregariously charming chap. i've actually taken quite a liking to him, not in a gay way, but in a chummy patient-practitioner way. he asks for the minor irritating things that my nursing diploma and job scope doesn't cover (eg. making tea with sugar and no milk and charitable donations of 10 cents to make phone calls), but once i settle all his wants, he leaves me alone and stays a good boy. of course, the rosy picture i painted above would fade to gray when i mention that he goes around the hospital in pyjamas, wearing a red scarf around his neck that's tied like a boy scout and uses a golf club as a walking stick. traditionally, when someone who doesn't blend in with the crowd, they are generally treated different. you could be holding a harmless object like a teddy bear, but if the public thinks that you're crazy, everyone steers clear of you and maintains a 4 meter radius around you. after all, don't all mad people go around carrying Desert Eagles in teddy bears? naturally, all the patients staying beside Tiger Woods are freaked out by him. they are thinking that he will creep up one night and bash their heads in with his 3-iron. even the Psychiatric doctors wrote in their reports that Tiger Woods had a previous incident of having 'brandished' (written in capital letters and double underlined; they were pissed at me, but i'll elaborate later) the golf club at passer-bys in the street. i could be wrong of course, but how 'brandished' is 'brandished' really? i might be holding my cock and using it as a weapon of sorts, is that equated to 'brandishing' too? it seems that all the actions of the mentally-unstable are defined as dangerous. the psychiatric doctors wrote down orders to remove the golf club from Tiger Woods so that he would be less dangerous to the staff and the patients and perhaps the doctors themselves. to which i was pretty unhappy about. how do you remove an object of certain importance from a mad man? because it's not exactly like taking candy away from a six-year old boy. for all you know, Tiger Woods might be a stable tea-drinking person when everything is at peace. but when threatened, he might just turn the golf club into a weapon which would then evolve the whole situation into a self-fulfilling prophecy full of 'I-told-you-so' looks from the psychiatric team. the psychiatric team (made up of a woman with a permanently scandalized look on her face and a really nice gentleman) confronted me, 'Why is it that nobody has removed the golf club from him yet?' 'He's just using the golf club as a walking stick,' i explained, 'and furthermore he shows no signs or intent on causing harm to anyone' 'You need to remove the golf club from him before he does any harm to anyone' scandalized face said. 'Okay, how would you like to try and remove a potential weapon from a mad man? Would you like to try that yourself?' i retorted. to which at that point of time, scandalized evolved to the next available level of even more scandalized looks. they were consultants and seldom did people of a lower level speak back to them. of course, i didn't know that they were consultants at the point of time. so i just gave them my five cents worth when they were expecting more like a thousand-dollar note because of their elevated statuses. it's one thing to sit one's ass down and get paid more than $5k a month (they were consultants - high-ranking doctors) to write down rational orders for the nurses to carry out. it's another however, to write down orders that will potentially put the nurses and patients in danger. so there came a compromise. the nurses would administer a sleeping pill to him. and when he is in a deep sleep, we remove the golf club from him. crossing our fingers that he won't start harassing the other patients and the staff for his golf club. crazy is apparently only as crazy as one sees it. i mean, they used to think that the homosexuals were crazy as well. which is why craziness is all about context. for all you know, tea-drinking, golf clubs and boy scout scarves will be all the sartorial rage next year. and perhaps then, Tiger Woods would not be so crazy after all. 6 Comments:
that was a funny bit with uncle giving you the PM's pte number. lolz. maybe he wants to show off his "connections" to the PM & scare you shit. lolz. nice entry jon! i admire your way with words. i think so call 'perfect' or 'sane' people are often the ones with THE seriousest issues. every moment covering up their musky tracks while shaking inside their torn/ugly panties. imagine their life is just an ongoing training of their lizard brains to come out with the most perfect excuse for their sorry self-defence. am sure patients interest is the last thing on their minds, after accountability to superiors. they are just lucky, otherwise they are the ones ended up in wards and cells. steve: have to agree with you. because every has their own opinions. and one might not like the opinions of others but at the very least, have the decency to respect it. yeah! you tell those "consultants" off! lol! God, you gotta love psych posting! I recall meeting a luscious diva who spends the morning singing at the corridors over her lost love... mostly teresa teng melodies. i suppose characters like Tiger Woods are the ones that add a little flavour to the humdrum of any job. <--Home |
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