jon's blog

i could go on for 40 days and 40 nights about my blog title and bore you to bits and pieces with 10,000 different ideas i actually had for the name of this blog but because of the 500 characters limit that is imposed upon this mechanism which, by the way, is supposed to promote free speech, i shall shorten it to just two words basically describing what the hell this is all about and who this hell belongs to.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

project 355: chang-chang-change

i woke up this morning, feeling like i really ought to change something in my life.

the relationship is fast reaching a plateau (if not already). no more sweet nothings. no more extra ordinary gifts from whatever exotic destinations. three SMSes a week, and most of them replied at least a few hours after i sent them. hell, we haven't even had sex in slightly over a month. is it me? is it him? what's wrong with us?
i guess when you put two placid people together, you get even more pictures of serene-looking lakes and river brooks. which is all good if you have been over-exposed to change and want some peace and serenity for once.

thus, the Magnus, a fag stag of mine is one who has a tendency to dispense sartorial advice at times like these. an army mate whom i've known since Brunei, he's my gaming buddy, smoking partner, scratch pole and guru all combined in one. a random conversation we had over MSN sorta put me into perspective regarding change.

Magnus: Hey, how's life?

Me: Same ol', Same ol'

Magnus: Boring?

Me: Pretty much.

Magnus: You should always try something new in life everyday. Like do something different to the same things to do everyday. That way, it'll be more interesting.

Me: Like for example?

Magnus: Like instead of drinking coffee always, you could try having a cola instead.

Me: But there's a reason why i do coffee, it fuels me with energy

Magnus: Coke also has caffeine what!

Me: But coffee tastes better.

Magnus: Fuck lah. Just change.

which is kinda true for most of us, i guess. we enjoy our old favourites so much that we like to get stuck in the same rut. maybe the mud in the rut is really wonderful and has a great dermatological effect on combination skin, but greater things were never achieved unless something changed. we all need someone in our lives to kick our asses and get us moving us. the Magnus, unbeknownst to him, is sorta like my catalyst for change.

oh well, change is in the air. but your 5 cents and 10 cents worth of opinions are still much appreciated.

PS. for a change, i've decided to not put a picture. or maybe i'm just fucking lazy.

posted at 7:57 am by the nurse | Permalink |


LOL. fuck lah, just change.

it'll be a pity if you break up with that cute bf of urs.

but try to salvage the r/s as much as possible. =)

happy weekends!
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:11 am  

there's the clue... "fuck"... go fuck someone or something. lolz.
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:59 pm  

From farther down the road of life, yes, there will be times that are quiet and maybe boring. If it is because you are comfortable with each other, maybe you need to plan something different to get a conversation going. If it is a mutual lack of interest, maybe there wasn't anything there in the beginning. Go on a weekend trip to a new place and talk about it, where you will be alone, together. You will know what to do when you get home, one way or the other. Good Luck!
By Blogger Sunfyrlion, at 11:25 pm  

i feel it has to do with both parties. effective communication's important. what is it that either party wants from the other person? in addition, do make an attempt to do something together at least once a week and stick to whatever plans that both of you make. sex, however, isn't part of that attempt, okay?
By Blogger thelostguardian, at 11:53 pm  

It's been said so often that it sounds really banal but communication and the effort made to do so really does make a difference.
Indifference and apathy would be a good way to ruin a relationship.
By Blogger Aelgtoer, at 1:37 am  

i don't think change has to mean "change the bf". maybe just change the way you treat each other? a little bit of effort goes a really loooong way. all the best! :)
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:56 am  

Hey, don't let it get into a rut! Spice it up! Get new hobbies! Go on trips! Go on group dates!
By Blogger savante, at 11:46 pm  

yeah spice it up...try new things... hv a threesome me if u need a 3rd person...

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:33 am  

Meet up with your ex? Maybe that helps.
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:01 am  

Not easy...I have 2 relationship,7yrs(I am glad that he has chosen to marry a girl) + 7yrs(still on, 7yrs itch..Arggh ?)
Sex alone simply does not work for a LTR lah. We have done what most have suggested here.

Plus, a lot of understanding and accomodating.

Anymore ?
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:27 am  

thiga are dead and human are alive, why not we change our thinking, or maybe the views we look at, rather than change the things around us?
or maybe sometimes we dont have to change anything, you heard of "men-period"? haha... wish you happy!!!
By Blogger junjun, at 2:14 pm  

why complaining... at least you have one another. Just be creative (I'm sure you are!) to make it more interesting everyday.

If you wants change.. do write back in you comments.. say... how stupid my ideas are? hahaha.

you guys sounds like a married couple already..why don't just get married! its going to be fun to open lots of prezie.
By Blogger uncle boy, at 3:55 pm  

sunfyrlion - i hope we do plan something different. but Singapore, being the small little island by itself, is not very exciting by nature. maybe we need to get out of the country or something. but i'll keep that in mind.

ethan - sometimes communication can only bring you so far. it's the intimacy with each other that counts. which i'm not really getting.
By Blogger the nurse, at 8:11 am  

not everything can change. some is just mere addition. like when you tried drinking coke, you began to like coke, but still like kopi. then you tried new stuff like teh O, and you began to like teh O too, but still likes coke and kopi. then you tried milo bing. you began to like milo bing, but still likes teh O, coke and kopi, and once in a while you will still go back to either teh O, coke or kopi!

experiences complicates preferences. preferences accummulate as experience accumulate, life becomes complex. you mind is confused. thus before try, think thrice.
By Blogger asianthirst, at 11:26 pm  

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Name: the nurse
Home: Singapore
About Me: i'm a nurse, i'm gay, i smoke, i play the piano, i patronize the theatre, i flip through glossy magazines for no apparent reason, i love sex, i am a left-handed libran, i watch art-house films mostly, i love house music, and did i say i love sex?
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